Keanu Reeves sinks hands, feet at Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre

Keanu Reeves sinks hands, feet at Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre

Actor Keanu Reeves signed his name and sunk his hands and feet in fresh cement Tuesday in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. 

More than 30 years have passed since the star of The Matrix, Speed, and Point Break tried his luck by taking his car from Toronto to Hollywood to become an actor.

Actor Keanu Reeves signed his name and sunk his hands and feet in fresh cement Tuesday in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. 

More than 30 years have passed since the star of The Matrix, Speed, and Point Break tried his luck by taking his car from Toronto to Hollywood to become an actor.

“It is a great honor to be here and to be invited to this remarkable, historical, magical place,” Reeves told a crowd gathered for the ceremony at the Chinese Theatre.

“To be included among all of the incredible artists who have made their mark here over the past 92 years, to be a part of this Hollywood tradition started by Sid Grauman all those years ago and which continues to this day, I thank you. Thank you very much,” he continued. 

Born in Lebanon’s capital Beirut in 1964 but raised in New York and Toronto, Reeves left high school to become an actor. He came to Hollywood in 1986 to work on the film Youngblood, also starring Rob Lowe.

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