Fire tears through East Vancouver scrap yard

Fire tears through East Vancouver scrap yard

A fire tore through a metal recycling facility in East Vancouver Monday night.

Vancouver Fire Rescue said the fire caused several explosions, which were believed to be propane tanks, at the Triumph Street site around 10:00 p.m. PT.

A fire tore through a metal recycling facility in East Vancouver Monday night.

Vancouver Fire Rescue said the fire caused several explosions, which were believed to be propane tanks, at the Triumph Street site around 10:00 p.m. PT.

Battalion Chief Steve Duncan said the explosions forced his crews to stay further back. They also called in extra firefighters to help attack the fire.

"The police informed us there was several other bottles in the building that could possibly explode as well," said Duncan.

Duncan said they also had concerns over other potentially hazardous materials in the building.

"They've had two trailers and they're burnt right down to the axles," he said. "There's an incredible amount of clutter in there, metal, motorcycles, smaller structures."

"We're gonna come back in the daylight when it's safer — when it's not off-gassing," Duncan said. 

Fire investigators will be looking into the cause later this morning.